Alexandru Satmary - View artist information on Ans Azura.COM

Alexandru Satmary

Bucharest, Romania, 1871 - Bucharest, Romania, 1933

Additional info:

Alexandru Satmary was a Romanian painter, heavily influenced by the plein-airism of Nicolae Grigorescu, with whom he studied painting in the latter’s studio in Campina, Romania. The subject matters of his paintings draw on the landscapes and interiors of the Dobruja region and the Black Sea coast, such as the seaside town of Balchik, which he introduced to Queen Mary of Romania and to other fellow artists of the time. Satmary’s works prove him to be a careful observer of everyday life in the arid, rocky scenery of the hills and coast, as well as of the area’s architectural particularities, given its ethnically diverse population.

    Past Artworks:

  • Alexandru Satmary
    Sold for €2,440



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