Ali Talib - View artist information on Ans Azura.COM

Ali Talib

b. 1944

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Ali Talib (b. 1944, Iraqi) remains one of the most innovative and distinctive voices in Arab Modern art. Navigating his strict upbringing through the medium of drawing, he went on to study Fine Arts in the early 1960s at the newly established Academy of Fine Arts. Here, he began experimenting with cryptic signs and symbols inspired by Iraq's rich cultural heritage. By 1965, Talib was instrumental in forming The Innovationists, a collective advocating for progressive artistic expression in Iraq. His work, characterised by a blend of darkness and dreamlike imagery, evolved significantly by the late 1970s, introducing more personal and human elements into his compositions. After completing his Masters in Cairo in 1980, Talib's career expanded internationally. The challenges posed by Iraq's political climate led him to relocate to Jordan in 1991. He has won two notable prizes, the 1986 First Prize at the First Baghdad International Festival of Plastic Arts and the 1995 First Prize at the Second Sharjah Biennale. Over the years, Talib's art has transitioned from solitary, introspective themes to brighter, more vibrant expressions, while maintaining the cinematic quality and emotional depth that define his oeuvre. His works are held in several notable private and public collections in addition to being exhibited at notable solo and group shows worldwide. Today, Ali Talib continues to create art, residing between Jordan and the Netherlands.



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