Amadeo Modigliani - View artist information on Ans Azura.COM

Amadeo Modigliani

Livorno, Italy, 1884 - Saint-Étienne, France, 1920

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Amadeo Modigliani, born on July 12, 1884, in Livorno, Italy, was a pioneering artist known for his distinct figurative style and elongated forms. Despite a tragically short life, Modigliani's impact on the art world has been enduring. Initially drawn to sculpture, Modigliani transitioned to painting and developed a signature style characterized by graceful, elongated figures, and a timeless, almost ethereal quality. His portraits, often featuring almond-shaped eyes and elongated necks, are particularly iconic. Living and working in the vibrant artistic community of Montparnasse in Paris, Modigliani created a body of work that reflected the influences of Cubism and African art. Despite facing personal and financial challenges, he continued to produce art that resonated with a profound sense of elegance and emotion. Amadeo Modigliani's life was cut short by tuberculosis, and he passed away on January 24th, 1920, at the age of 35. While his career was brief, his legacy endures through his evocative and timeless depictions of the human form, cementing his place as a master of modern figurative art.



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