Lot 49, Dumitru Gorzo - Requiem (Parastas)* - New Narratives: Post-Modern and Contemporary Art from Romania - Auctions

Requiem (Parastas)*


Executed in: 2005 

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Size: 130 x 174 cm (136 x 180 cm with frame)


Private Collection, Romania.


Bucharest, Romania

Price realised €9,150

Estimate €8,000 - €10,000


Dumitru Gorzo is a contemporary artist living and working between Bucharest and New York. His paintings, drawings and public interventions allude to events occurring in Romania and contemporary society at large, the artist declaring himself to be against the isolation from “real life” through art. The parodic vision manifested in his works has turned him into a controversial artist that has always seemed to escape hindering categorizations with humour and nonchalance.

For a number of years, Gorzo has conducted a studio-project called The Continuous Studio, in which people can visit and talk to him while he engages all the visual tools at hand, including the particular space, towards a feverish creation. Surface materiality resonates through the plane of his paintings, revealing their visual and tactile disposition.

Dumitru Gorzo was a co-founder, together with, a. o. Nicolae Comănescu, of the Romanian art group Rostopasca (1998-2001). He exhibited at the National Museum of Art Bucharest, Kulturfabrik Luxembourg, Slag Gallery, New York, the Kingston Sculpture Biennial, New York, Marina Abramovic Institute, San Francisco, SAC / Malmaison Bucharest, Kunst Raum Noe Vienna, National Dance Centre Bucharest, Greenwich Street Outdoor, New York, etc.

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