Additional info:
Fouad Elkoury is a Lebanese photographer, filmmaker and writer. Born in Paris in 1952, he obtained an architecture degree in London before turning towards photography, documenting the lives of people during the Lebanese conflict in what became the Civil War Series. In 1989, he was the recipient of the Prix Medicis Hors les Murs and spent a year in Egypt. In 1991, he participated in the Beirut City Centre Photographic Mission organised by writer Dominique Eddé. In 1997, he co-founded the Arab Image Foundation with Akram Zaatari and Samer Mohdad. In 2000 his work was showcased in a major retrospective at Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris. Elkoury was among the artists selected for the first national participation of Lebanon at the 2007 Venice Art Biennale.
Franciszka Themerson
1907 - 1988 -
Zsófia Keresztes
Paul Păun
Bucharest, Romania, 1915 - Haifa, Israel, 1994 -
Mișu Teișanu
Brăila, Romania, 1883 - Bucharest, Romania, 1943 -
Ervant Nicogosian
Odessa, Ukraine, 1928 - Bucharest, Romania, 2014