Lot 32, Ilarie Voronca, Victor Brauner - 75 HP, edition Jean Michel Place - Ans Azura - ONLINE ART AUCTIONS

75 HP, edition Jean Michel Place


Published in: 1993

Hard cover album

Size: 29 x 24 cm


Private Collection, Romania


Bucharest, Romania

Price realised €244

Estimate €250 - €350


75HP Avant-Garde Art Album by Victor Brauner and Ilarie Voronca is a compelling exploration of the avant-garde movement, blending surrealism, modernism, and innovative artistic expressions. This collection features Brauner's visionary illustrations, characterized by their bold, dreamlike qualities, and Voronca's inventive poetic expressions that push the boundaries of traditional literature.

The album is a collaborative masterpiece that also includes contributions from other notable avant-garde artists of the era. These include the Dadaist influences of Tristan Tzara, who is known for his radical, anti-establishment approach to art and poetry, and Marcel Janco, whose abstract and expressionist works add a dynamic visual depth to the collection. Together, these artists create a vibrant tapestry of thought-provoking and unconventional works that challenge the viewer's perceptions and invite introspection.

75HP serves as a testament to the spirit of the avant-garde movement, which emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction against conventional forms and established norms. It celebrates the desire to innovate, experiment, and break free from the constraints of traditional artistic expressions, making it an essential piece for anyone interested in the evolution of modern art.

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