Ion Mirea - View artist information on Ans Azura.COM

Ion Mirea

Răsucenii de Jos, Romania, 1912 - Bucharest, Romania, 1987

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Ion Mirea was a Romanian painter, sculptor, and poet. His first solo exhibition took place in 1938 in Bucharest, followed by a second presentation in Sibiu. Mirea’s work gathers a vast palette of vivid colours through which he constructs an expressive figurative style with traces of cubism, as seen in Marionettes (1965). Ranging from portraits to landscapes, Mirea’s compositions are both spontaneous and structured, imparting a sense of tranquility. His balanced paintings explore intimacy through the often awkward body poses of the portrayed individuals. Throughout his life, Mirea exhibited internationally in Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Romania.



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