Additional info:
Paula Ribariu is a Romanian painter, who won the prestigious Hans Theo Richter Prize in Dresden, Germany. Her artistic process is conceptual, revitalising the works of Romanian philosopher Constantin Noica and of psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. Ribariu translates the Jungian notion of archetype into the Romanian folk tradition, subordinating colour to symbolic function. Tending towards a primordial dimension of the human, her art imagines a mythical time where cultural and natural forms are reunited, through motifs such as caves, islands, and diffuse human silhouettes. Ribariu’s career as an artist spans many decades, and her works have been exhibited in Bucharest, Barcelona, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Madrid, Plovdiv, Algiers, Sofia, or Aachen
Pavel Ilie
1927 - 1995 -
Moustafa Farroukh
Beirut, Lebanon, 1901 - Beirut, Lebanon, 1957 -
Souleima Zod
b. Douma, Lebanon, 1944 -
Gheorghe Șaru
Checea, Romania, 1920 - New York, USA, 2003 -
Mircea Cantor
b. 1977