Roman Cotoșman - View artist information on Ans Azura.COM

Roman Cotoșman

Jimbolia, Romania, 1935 - Philadelphia, USA, 2006

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Roman Cotoșman was a postwar and contemporary visual artist whose works are primarily influenced by Constructivism. In 1970, he emigrated to the United States, where he continued to relentlessly develop an increasingly multidisciplinary practice, spanning drawing, collage, and object-based art. In Cotoșman’s prints and drawings, the modesty of his lines and subtlety of his shapes create kinetic abstract landscapes of undulating geometries. The tandem between the light and dark tones of Cotoșman’s works create at times harrowing, and at other times peaceful, cinematic interplays. In 1995, Cotoșman represented Romania at the Venice Biennial. His works have been exhibited since 1968 in Timișoara, Munich, Nuremberg, Lugoj, Bucharest, and New York.



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