Samuel Mützner - View artist information on Ans Azura.COM

Samuel Mützner

Bucharest, Romania, 1884 - Bucharest, Romania, 1959

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Samuel Mützner is considered to be one of the most influential painters of Romanian art. He was a post-impressionist painter who brought to Romania the culture of Impressionism, the freshness of light and colour from the West. After finishing his studies in Bucharest, Munich, Paris and Algiers, he stayed for two years in Giverny studying with Claude Monet, with whom he created pointillist landscapes. He was the first Romanian painter of his generation to explore several continents in search of other cultures and inspiration. Mützner brought to Romania works made in countries such as Tunisia, Japan, South America and Venezuela. He had solo exhibitions all over the world, including New York. Since 1937, due to his Jewish origins, Mützner was marginalised and forced to retire to his house in the village of Șopârlița, where he focused on the landscape and the rustic atmosphere of the countryside.



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