Lot 43, Sean Hudson - Endless Column (Coloana fără sfârșit)* - Ans Azura - ONLINE ART AUCTIONS

Endless Column (Coloana fără sfârșit)*


Executed in: 1976

Medium: Vintage Photograpy

Size: 30 x 19.5 cm (unframed)

Stamped on the reverse "Photograph by Sean Hudson, 92 Montgomery Street, Edinburgh EH7 5HE, Tel: 031-556 8966"; Written in pencil: "Coloana fără sfârșit înainte de masacrul copacilor in octombrie 1976"


Private Collection, Romania


Bucharest, Romania

Price realised €305

Estimate €300 - €500


Sean Hudson (b. 1935, Leamington, United Kingdom - d. 1997, Edinburgh, United Kingdom) was an English artist who studied photography at the Guildford School of Art and then graduated from the London Film School. During the rise of the British realist movement, Hudson assisted renowned directors such as Mike Hodges, Jean-Luc Godard, and Ken Loach.

In 1976, he directed the documentary The Rumanian, Brâncuși, ethnographically exploring the artist’s childhood environment and the influence it had on his art and life. Hudson photographed multiple of Brâncuși’s works. Some of these photographs were exhibited at the Library of the Romanian Academy in 2007. Though sometimes taking a playful turn, his photography remained constantly committed to aspects of the social, in the spirit of 1960s realism.


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