Theodor Aman - View artist information on Ans Azura.COM

Theodor Aman

Câmpulung Muscel, Romania, 1831 - Bucharest, Romania, 1891

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Theodor Aman is one of the most important Romanian painters of the 19th century, blending Romanticism with Academicism. Aman studied the principles of painting in Craiova and Bucharest, under Constantin Lecca and Carol Vasile, and then in Paris at the studios of the neoclassical painters Michel-Martin Drolling and François-Édouard Picot. Of Armenian descent, Aman also worked as an engraver and art professor. He is recognised as the founder of the National University of Arts in Bucharest, and he had a significant contribution to the alignment of artistic practices in Romania to Western European ones. Since 1908, his former home and studio in Bucharest have hosted a museum dedicated to his memory, including a large collection of his paintings.



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