Lot 50, European Brâncuși in the ‘20s (3 magazines) - Ans Azura - ONLINE ART AUCTIONS

European Brâncuși in the ‘20s (3 magazines)


“Der Cicerone”, Issue 24, Year 14, 1922, Leipzig;

“This Quarter”, Issue 1, Volume I, 1925, Paris;

“Cahiers de l’Etoile”, Issue 11, 1929, Paris;


Private Collection, Germany


Bucharest, Romania

Estimate €750 - €1,000


“Der Cicerone” (1909 – 1930) was a bimonthly magazine dedicated to art researching and collecting. It was published in Leipzid by Klinkhardt & Bierman. Contains an article about the modern sculpture in France and a reproduction of one of Brâncuși’s works.

“This Quarter”, Issue 1, Volume I, 1925, Paris. Cultural magazine. Editors: Ernest Walsh and Ethel Moorhead. Languages: English, French. Important publication for Brâncuși scholars. It contains several texts by Brâncuși (“Réponses de Brâncuși sur la taille directe, le poli et la simplicité dans l’art. Quelques-uns de ses aphorismes à Irène Codreane”, “Histoire de brigands”), several photographs of Brâncuși, reproductions of several of his important drawings, and 37 photo plates of works, from very early sculptures to contemporary works. This issue of “This Quarter” was dedicated to Ezra Pound. It also features a photo plate of Ezra Pound by Man Ray, two essays on Pound by James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway. Other contributors: Emanuel Carnevali, Gertrude Stein, Yvor Winters, Kay Boyle, Paul Eldridge.

“Cahiers de l’Etoile”, Issue 11, 1929, Paris Cultural magazine. Directors: Irma de Manziarly and Carlo Suarès. Language: French. Contains an important article by Benjamin Fondane on Brâncuși and reproductions hors texte of two Brâncuși scultptures. In the same year, Brâncuși draw a portrait of B. Fondane.

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