Lot 29, Constantin Flondor - Trigona Lamp - Match Made in Style - Art & Design - Auctions

Trigona Lamp


Materials: welded stainless steel, edition 1/10 + 1AP

Dimensions: 40 x 40 x 40 cm



Estimate €2,400 - €3,200


Trigona lamp is a smaller version of Constantin Flondor’s Trigona made in 1974, now part of a few important collections like the MUMOK Collection in Vienna.

Constantin Flondor studied painting at the Nicolae Grigorescu Institute in Bucharest, and became a teacher at the Timișoara Fine Arts High School in 1962, the city where he currently lives and works. He is a founding member of the artistic groups 1+1+1 and Sigma 1 Group in Romania established during the period between the 1960s and the 1970s. The preoccupation for interdisciplinarity in the Sigma ideas is aligned with Flondor’s art practice, in which the continuous research of the visible and invisible relations between organic structures and geometry can be found.

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