Lot 23, Jacques Hérold - Portrait of Violette Hérold* - New Narratives: Post-Modern and Contemporary Art from Romania - Auctions

Portrait of Violette Hérold*


Executed in: c.1934 - 1936

Medium: oil on canvas

Size: 56.5 x 50 cm (77 x 70.5 with frame) 

Signed, titled and dedicated  "á Violette, herold" on the front lower left, in red.


Private Collection, France.


Bucharest, Romania

Price realised €31,720

Estimate €25,000 - €35,000


This remarkable artwork, created by the renowned Romanian artist Jacques Hérold, is a stunning embodiment of the surrealist movement and Hérold’s undeniable artistic talent. "Portrait of Violette Hérold" is more than just a representation; it is a journey into the inner world of the subconscious and the innovative imagination of the artist.

Jacques Hérold, born on October 10, 1910, is known for his significant contributions to the surrealist art movement in Paris. His first wife, Violette Hérold, was a central figure in his life and artistic work, being herself a talented artist and collaborator of the surrealist group. Her portrait, crafted by Jacques Hérold, captures her essence and energy, conveying a wide range of emotions and subtle meanings.

This artwork has been carefully restored by the renowned restorer of the Musée Cantini in Marseille who restored all the exhibition artworks dedicated to the Hérold family. "Portrait of Violette Hérold" was exhibited at the Galerie Le Minotaure, Paris in January 2018, where it sparked profound interest among art connoisseurs and collectors.

This painting represents one of the few portraits created by Jacques Hérold, alongside the ones of André Breton and Dr. Leon Weintraub. These remarkable artworks belonging to the surrealist movement are featured in prestigious private and institutional collections, such as the Musée du Quimper, being highly appreciated in the international art market.

Jacques Hérold was a Surrealist painter, whose works are associated with the late-Surrealist period, Lyrical abstraction and Tachisme. Growing up in the Danubian port city of Galați, he later on studied at the School of Fine Arts in Bucharest, which he quit for working in an architecture office. Starting with the 1930s, he moved to Paris where he maintained a close friendship with Constantin Brâncuși, and became accepted in Breton’s group. Hérold’s works possess remarkable originality, and he was a skilled colourist. Many of his paintings have been debated by critics for their intriguing themes and titles. The explosive depictions and colour patches in his studies are placed in a carefully organised disarray, full of unexpected gestures. One of the techniques that he employs, the écorchés, reflect a series of excessive accumulations that distinguish him. Jacques Hérold received the Copley Foundation prize in 1958, and in 1959 he had an exhibition at the Tate Gallery, London. In 1986, he exhibited works at the Venice Art Biennale.


"Portrait of Violette Hérold" was exhibited at Galerie Le Minotaure, Paris in January 2018.

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Jacques Hérold



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